About The Artist Pegasus
Pegasus is the tag name of Chicago-born Londonbased street artist, Chris Turner. Recognised as one of the most dynamic artists in the street art scene. Pegasus creates striking images of cultural icons through a unique process of layering detailed, handcut stencils. This is used with bright and colourful spray paint.
Pegasus’ Works of Art
His work ranges from playful cultural commentary to hard-hitting political messages. This is created in a style which he describes as ‘punk meets pretty’. He is also widely admired for his series of poignant memorials to some of the iconic figures. These include such icons as Kate Moss, Freddy Mercury & Elizabeth Taylor.
What is Street Art?
In this article we’ll take you through the history and growth of modern day street art, from its origins to the current investment potential for this style of artwork.
A Brief History of Street Art
Wall writings and drawings have been around for almost as long as humans have. Expression through drawing on walls has existed for millennia. This spans from cave paintings to what we now call street art.
The Growth of Street Art
Street art has a rich history that dates back to the early 20th century, when graffiti artists began using the walls of public spaces as their canvases to create urban art. It wasn't until the 1980s that street art truly took off, with artists such as Keith Haring and Jean-Michel Basquiat. These artists used their form of street art to express their views on society. Street art has now become an integral part of contemporary art and culture.
The Emergence of Stencil Art
Stencil art, on the other hand, has its roots in political activism. The first known use of stencils in art was by the Italian artist, Blek le Rat. He began using stencils to create political messages in the streets of Paris in the 1980s.
Banksy and Stencils
Banksy is arguably the most famous stencil artist of all time. Popularized the art form in the early 2000s. He uses stencils graffiti to create satirical and often controversial art pieces that have captured the world's attention.
Growth of Stencil Art
Pegasus creates striking images of cultural icons through a unique process of layering detailed. He uses hand-cut stencils with bright and colourful spray paint. His works of art are no longer created in public spaces as demand and appreciation for this type of art grew.
The Value of Street Art and Stencil Art
Street has a huge investment potential. The Knight Frank luxury investment index shows art values have grown 71% over the past 10 years. It is unsurprising that returns on investment consistently exceed expectations, and auction records are often broken.
Why Has Street Art Grown in Popularity?
Street art and stencil art are an excellent investment for any art collection. Artists and creatives often draw reference from the past, borrowing forms and styles that once held great popularity. Street artists, like Pegasus often pay homage to other artists. They also include elements of nostalgia into their work which can make each piece far more memorable and increase in value.
Street art and stencil art have been time and time again known to appreciate in value. This makes them a sound investment for collectors and potential collectors.
Kate Moss with dollar signs
Influences to Street Art
Influenced by Warhol and Haring, Lichtenstein and Hirst, Pegasus aims to produce works which are ultimately uplifting and life-affirming. This positive intention is reinforced by the words and phrases he includes. Such as “Nothing is impossible” “I just want to be wonderful” and “life is a journey.”
He is also closely involved with a number of charities. Often using his work as a means to raise funds for support. He uses his platform from which to speak up for social justice. Calling himself a “punk pop political street artist”
Studio 74 Bristol Art Gallery
At our art gallery in Bristol, we invite you to explore our collection of stencil art by Pegasus. Whether you're a seasoned collector or new to the art world we invite you to join us in the gallery. We'll help you to discover the works of Pegasus - where punk meets pretty!